πŸ“ŠYield Revenue Distribution

Growth Cycle

Your first yield rewards will be distributed 60 days after you start staking your Nikeverse NFTs. This growth phase applies individually, so each staker’s waiting period begins from their staking start date. Afterward, rewards will be distributed monthly based on the allocation structure.

Yield Revenue Allocation

The yield revenue generated from our liquidity farming will be thoughtfully distributed to ensure the sustainable growth of the Nikeverse ecosystem while providing tangible value to our community. Here’s the breakdown:


β€’ Invested in blue-chip yield farms and other passive income-generating opportunities, ensuring diversified and sustainable revenue streams.


β€’ Directed towards project development, including funding for advancements like new features, listings, and collaborations.


β€’ Allocated to The Pig Pen, a NIKE ecosystem grant crafted to fund daring and innovative projects aligned with NIKE’s values.


β€’ Distributed as rewards to staked Nikeverse NFT holders, giving back directly to our dedicated supporters.


β€’ Reinvested into $NikePig yield farms to enhance liquidity and strengthen the token’s market stability.


Last updated